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Take that Leap!

personal development Feb 11, 2021

I got to film a regional commercial last year and it was super fun! I love getting to do that! It's not my big goal destination of producing my movies or being able to star in films on a bigger level which is part of my vision BUT it's one of the STEPPING stones on the way…at least in my journey and I’m truly grateful for that.

I remember when I was still in a correctional facility and being in a place that was so uncomfortable and because of a turning point in my career, I realized that this is not how I want to live for the rest of my life. I was willing to take the scary step to start pursuing that dream. It didn't matter how ridiculous or foolish it seemed anymore. It is simply something that I knew I wanted to do, SO I made the choice and took the leap to start pursuing professional acting and those micro-decisions that I have made in the past, all add up and have led me to this EXCITING path that I am now on and I am so happy you’re here along this journey with me! 

Being in a place that you’re not happy in and doing the things you think you have to but don’t really love, will make facing each day harder. As for me because of a turning point in my career, I realized that this is not how I want to live for the rest of my life. AND ever since I made the conscious decision to pursue my passion, I now get up each day, pretty darn happy, excited and energized because I’m doing what I love and I am able to show up and share that with other people.

So, I encourage you to make a decision that will influence progress towards your VISION and find the COURAGE to pursue the things you love and live your best life! ✨




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