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Want to Know Something that Should be Never Ending?

personal development Jan 29, 2021

Whenever we learn something new, complete a course, get a degree or certification, we feel proud of what we’ve accomplished. We feel like we’ve emerged as the “next level, better version” of ourselves and that’s truly a wonderful feeling right? 🤩

BUT, you know one thing that we should NEVER graduate from? It’s 💫 SELF DEVELOPMENT. 💫

Excelling in life is usually geared towards academic, financial, business success. But personal development and self-improvement are equally important in our lives, to our happiness, overall fulfillment, and our ability to positively impact those around us. This should start by discovering who we are, who we want to be, and then creating that version of yourself. **Think about how we spend time getting to know other people, we really should do the same for ourselves!

The journey of self-growth, by the truth of what it is, is never-ending. It’s something that continues to evolve with us as we grow and expand to new levels. In order to do this, we must take full responsibility for ourselves and crush those self-limiting beliefs. And let me tell you - it is NOT easy, and let me remind you - it is ongoing!

SO never stop learning - whether it’s something about ourselves, our business, our life, never stop changing for the better and never stop evolving because we are meant to GROW every single day ✨

👉🏻 Also, as we go on our journey of self-development, it is also important to learn how to retrain our mind and our energy. So I'm sharing these 5 simple ways.

1. ENVISION your day when you wake up - this helps us become aware of how we would want our day to go and the things that we have to do during that day.

2. Be GRATEFUL even for the small things - despite everything that’s happening in the world right now, there’s STILL always something to be thankful for. It may be the simplest things like waking up, sipping that warm cup of coffee, getting to go on walks, being surrounded by nature and of course getting to be with the ones you love. 

3. Write down your WEEKLY goals - having a list will guide you in the things you need to get done. We just have to make sure that these goals are realistic and that we will do as much as we can to accomplish the goals on that list. 

4. IMAGINE the life you want to live before going to sleep - always FOCUS on the life that you dream of living. Tune into that space that you know that your goals, vision, and dreams are real because they are in your heart and soul for a reason. They’re there because we can do it. Because we can accomplish them. 

5. CELEBRATE small wins. - celebrating small victories for something we’ve completed, accomplished or even learned can increase our motivation and have trust and confidence in ourselves. It’s definitely an emotional boost! AND yes, these little things add up to major accomplishments.

Click on the image to check out my REEL video on this. 💓

PS. Have you tried IG's newest feature, REELS? If you haven't check out my simple tutorial here: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CESg09Njt0Q/




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